How to cook Beans (Ewa).

Beans known as Ewa to the Yorubas are unpopular staple foods because it is associated with bloating, flatulence and indigestion. Nigerian Beans (Ewa) is delicious on its own or when accompanied with various other foods such as Nigerian fried plantain (Dodo), boiled Yam, sweet potato and maize.
Most people have one reason or the other why they do not eat beans. Yet, it is advisable to have beans in the family menu especially when you have young children in the family.

3 cups brown/black eyed beans
Palm Oil
1 medium onion
Pepper & Salt (to taste)
1 stock CUBE (Knorr Chicken) 
Grounded crayfish (Optional) 

Cooking Directions
· Remove any dirt and wash the Beans thoroughly.
· Place the water in a pot, add onions and allow to boil then add the washed beans .( a pressure cooker can be used to speed up the cooking time.) 
· After 30 to 45minutes, check the beans, if it soft but not soft enough to eat, this is the point where palm oil, Knorr cube, cray fish and salt is added then stir, then allow to cook to be very soft. 
· Allow it to simmer on low-medium heat for another 5-10 minutes.
Enjoy with your Fried Plantain, Bread or Garri.


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