Ekuru and Ata Dindin

Ekuru is a common food among the Igbomina and Ekiti people of kwara state and also Ondo state of Nigeria.
Ekuru is made from steamed blended beans.
Ekuru is popularly eaten with spicy Ata dindin( Fried stew) and Eko tútù or Agídí. Some part of Igbomina people do add ìlà (okro) to it.

For 4 medium wraps of Ekuru
* 2cups of peeled or unpeeled beans

For Ata dindin (Fried stew)
* 3cooking spoons of palmoil
* 4 medium tomatoes, 2 medium Tatashe and 3 Ata rodo
*1 big onion
*2 tablespoons grounded cray fish
*1 stock cube
* salt to taste

First soak and peel your beans
Then ground/blend the peeled beans not too smooth with small quantity of water.
Pour the blended beans in a bowl for proper mixing.
A wooden spoon or ladle can be used to mix. Mix for 10 to 20 minutes till very fluffy and frothy.
Traditionally, Ekuru batter is mixed in a mortar till fluffy.
Then scoop the mixed beans into leaves (Banana leaves) 
Then arrange it in the pot 
Steam till fully cooked, this should take about 30minutes on medium heat and alas! It's done. 
Isn't it nice. 
Now, to our Ata dindin (Fried stew) 
Wash the tomatoes, Tatashe, rodo and onions. Then blend it together, then we have this
Then, heat the palm oil, pour the pepper. Allow to cook for 10 minutes. Then add the seasonings, fish and pomo can be added as well. Then add the grounded cray fish and salt to taste. 
Yeah! Our Ata dindin is ready. 
Then, you can squeeze it out with the pepper. And probably add your okro soup as the Igbomina and Ẹkiti people do. 

Enjoy your meal. Leave your comments. Thanks 


  1. Yes!
    Awesome one.
    Ekuru is my best meal after Semo and ogunfe


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