Ewedu soup.

Ewedu soup is a popular Nigerian soup common to the western part of the country.
Its a very slimy draw soup made from Jute leaves, also known as 'AYOYO'. It is commonly served with stew or gbegiri and accompanied by Amala, Eba, Semo even Pounded Yam.

1 bunch of Ewedu
One cup of water
2 stock cubes
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons of grounded cray fish.
Locust beans (one handful)
The broom for mashing/ijabe
Little quantity of potash or bicarbonate soda
But I prefer bicarbonate soda, just a pinch will be okay.

Pluck the ewedu leaves out from the stems, and wash with clean water. Allow the water to drain.
Place your water to boil with either potash or bicarbonate soda in small quantity. Then add your washed locust beans. 
Allow to boil for 5 to 7minutes, then pour the ewedu leaves and allow the ewedu to be tender. Be careful not to over cook. 

Then  turn low the heat and mash with your broom/ijabe.
 Then place on low heat, add your salt, Maggi and cray fish. Leave to simmer for 3 to 5 minutes.
Then serve with your stew or gbegiri.

Enjoy your soup. And leave your comments. Thanks


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